UAB GELD BALTIC – producing freeze-dried (lyophilized) berries, fruits, vegetables, shrimps, poultry, beef, pork and other products.
OUR VISION: to see the most delicious, high-quality, safest our freeze-dried foods in the world.
OUR GOAL: To become the most reliable supplier of freeze-dried food products, improving quality every day, building long-term relationships, conquering new markets, responding sensitively to market changes and customer needs.
• When performing activities, to follow the requirements of the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, the European Union and other regulations covering the field of activity of the company and to ensure their compliance.
• Systematically improve the IVS in compliance with the international food safety standards according to ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 22000: 2018, NATO AQAP 2110 standards and organic production, increase its efficiency.
• To ensure the safety of the company’s products throughout the supply chain (from the receipt of the raw material to the delivery of the final product to the consumer), the responsible selection of suppliers and the quality of all business processes.
• Continuously improve the quality of developed products by improving production technologies and implementing innovations.
• Systematically raise the qualification of employees at all levels in the field of food safety, improve their skills, promote the realization of talents and self-expression, develop their understanding and responsibility for product safety.
• To cultivate mutually beneficial long-term relationships with the company’s current and future customers, to strive for their trust and loyalty, responding responsibly to their needs and expectations.
The management of UAB Geld Baltic UNDERTAKES:
• To strive for the global implementation of IVS policy in the company by mobilizing employees and ensuring their conscious involvement in this process.
• Encourage other stakeholders (consumers, customers, suppliers, business partners) to be involved in the implementation of the IMS policy.
• Allocate the necessary and sufficient resources for the implementation of the IMS policy.
• To ensure the conditions for continuous improvement and professional development of employees and to motivate them to improve their activities.
• Recognize everyone’s contribution to the success of the company.
• To develop the responsibility of each employee for food safety, product quality and their own work.
• To ensure the relevance of the IVS policy by annually evaluating it and reviewing its goals and objectives.
The management of UAB Geld Baltic is committed to implementing this IVS policy and encourages all employees and stakeholders to focus their efforts on ensuring its implementation.
Scope of the quality and food safety management system
UAB “Geld Baltic” “Supergarden” – producing freeze-dried (lyophilized) berries, fruits, vegetables and other products, has its own vision, mission, values, company’s strategic directions, quality and food safety policy, quality and food safety management system covers the whole The company’s activities; all processes produced products.
In terms of standards:
The quality and food safety management system (KMSVS) meets the requirements of HACCP, ISO 22000: 2005 standards. There are no exceptions to the requirements of the standard.
With regard to the company’s divisions and production sites:
The quality and food safety management system is valid in all departments and divisions of the company.
In terms of activities:
Production of freeze-dried (lyophilized) berries, fruits and vegetables:
1.3.1. applying the principles of the KMSVS in all processes.
1.3.2. committing to the continuous supply of safe, high-quality products that meet customer requirements;
1.3.3. continuous improvement of KMSVS to ensure user satisfaction.
Our approach to stakeholders: customers, suppliers, controlling authorities – everyone’s expectations and needs are identified and we try to manage our activities in a transparent way, to be mutually beneficial. In order to achieve our goals, we cooperate with stakeholders: customers, suppliers; producers, controlling authorities, we report the results to the shareholders and the company’s management. We involve everyone in the creation of custom production value. We treat nature and the environment responsibly, ensure the safety and health of employees at work and activities. We comply with all legal and other regulatory requirements for our activities.